Die Klamm

Wir, Christa und ich, verbinden geschäftliche Reisen gerne mit etwas anderem, um das Ganze aufzuwerten. In diesem Fall haben wir die Almbachklamm gewählt.

Wir sind an der Kugelmühle gestartet und von dort in die Klamm gegangen. Die wasserbetriebene Kugelmühle wurde ursprünglich gebaut, um Kanonenkugeln herzustellen. Heute produziert sie für Touristen und man sehen wie die Kugeln entstehen.

Wir gehen in die Klamm und sind bald höchst beeindruckt von dem was (nur) Wasser im Laufe der Zeit bewirken kann. Es hat sich tief in den Felsen gegraben – und mit all den großen und kleinen Wasserfällen und Stromschnellen ist es sehr laut. Der Weg steigt steil an und daher mußten viele Treppen angelegt werden.

Wir haben uns viel Zeit zum Schauen und Photographieren genommen – und mußten die Klamm schließlich verlassen bevor wir unser Ziel, die Madonna weiter bergauf, erreicht haben da wir noch die kleine Kirche in Ettenberg besuchen wollten. Der Pfad dort hinauf war heftig (!) steil. Es hat sich gelohnt – das Kirchlein ist sehr schön. In dem Restaurant nebenan haben wir etwas leichtes gegessen und sind dann zur Mühle zurückgegangen – wiederum ein sehr steiler Pfad, diesmal abwärts.

Es war ein regnerischer Tag. Wir haben es genossen! Nur 2 oder 3 weitere Besucher(-paare) waren dort an dem Tag. Und natürlich hat sich Christa nach der Rückkehr zur Mühle dort eine Marmorkugel gekauft, zwei sogar …

Wenn Du einen einen intensiveren Eindruck von der Klamm wünscht so schau Dir dieses Video an. Christa hat ihre Erfahrung in einer Art Gedicht gefaßt – ich habe es dem Video hinzugefügt.

These meetings keep me on track

We went to a meeting last weekend near Salzburg. The participants have all been in the situation of being left alone with some physical condition that nobody could help them with. They all share the experience that nutrition can help a lot to better the situation.

I just want to share one (for me) outstanding story: A lady from Mexico told us that because of a gen defect she always suffered from low hemoglobin and as a result of that from low energy and chronic fatigue. Optimal nutrition solved that and gave her the confidence to give it to her mother.

Her mother had been diagnosed with lymphatic cancer stage 2 originally. But with the marriage of her youngest daughter ahead she did tell nobody. The day after the marriage she got the family together and now told them and informed them everything was arranged … . The next day she started a very strong chemo therapy – she was stage 4 now.

With the help of the optimal nutrition supplement she lived on for 11 more years.

What revolution will I lead

Here – in Germany – at current senior care homes are build everywhere and in big numbers. And the furst thing when somebody goes there he gets a walking aid – one of those wheeled ones. And most of them spend most of the day in front of a TV set.

I do not feel well by seeing this. And why does this happen? …

Anyway – what if I could build a community of seniors that care about themselves, have fun and lead an independent and active life? This can be everything that gives them meaning – from educating themselves, learning a new language, traveling to even starting their own business. Their meaningful activities would keep their minds younger and physical activities would keep their body in a good condition – which allows them to enyoj their days a lot more than a soap on TV.

Yes …

What difference do I want to make

Good question. I am moving this question around in my head for quite some time. It’s starting to getting a bit more ckearer.

The idea that came to me can be summed up in this sentence: Stay young and fit as a senior. Of cause there is a physical age which you can’t turn back. But some are already very (!) old in their twenties. Others are 70 or even 80 and apear much younger. What makes the difference? Their thinking.

My favourite quote is: Your age is defined by your head. What does this mean? What do I want to say by this?

If your thinking goes like: I can’t …  This due to my age …   This is too hard to learn ….   This is too much effort …    If your are spending most of your free time in front of your TV set. If your are complaining all day about everyone and everything …   you will be like paralized. You will hardly ever start something new. You will have little good fun. You are old – in your mind!

If you are positive, having always a smile on your face, having crazy ideas, start new things all the time – you are you are young in young in your mind. And your bodies chemistry will react accordingly.

Of cause if you have been burned out already it might be useful, or even necessary, to help your bodies chemistry a little. There is great stuff available to help you with that. If you want to have some of it or know more please let me know. I will earn a little bit from it. But you are the one who profits from it the most.

My elevator pitch

I am  building a distribution network for an american company. Everybody should know about their products and everybody should have a source for this.

It helped me with my burnout, my trembling hands and the precancerous stages on the skin of my scalp.

I am doing this because these products are just optimal food – and optimal food puts our body into the position to help itself – what it is designed for. So it will help to more well being.

This is high value that I want to make available.

The one thing I am proud of

About 25 years ago I was employed by a small contracting company doing development work for controllers in cars, medical equipment, environmental electronics and also airplanes. I was the leader of a group of 7. I had a great relationship with the customers and the group members and the projects went well.

Nonetheless I had permanent fights with the owner of the company who had a very different management style – mine was about keeping a good and personal relationship with the group members and I had a natural authority, he was very conservative and formal and put a lot of pressure on everybody.

I tried to protect the group members from that pressure as the work they where doing was creative and needed (to my opinion) a relaxed mind. These constant fights ruined my nerves.

I went to a year of self experience and by the end of that year I quit my job – out of the blue. I am self employed since then.

I never wanted this – and it was the best decision I ever made …

What do people thank me for

People thank me for being reliable, being a good organizer, finding and giving information, finding solutions. In fact I am a curious person and that’s my biggest gift. I am always exploring something new, getting myself into it and learn as much I can. I am also passionate about finding solutions. This regards technical stuff – electronics, programming – and much more.

But there is a “parallel” life which is about, healing, transformation, finding a path in life. Some thank me for helping them to experience a much better well being again after being in a very bad and hopeless situation for years. Pushing this forward is my favorite at current. Everybody has to know about the power of optimal nutrition.

What makes me angry about the world

Well my opinion always was that technology should be a tool to make something easier and that if somebody buys something from me I have/want to deliver real value and quality. I have also always been careful with everything so that it stays in a good condition and that I can use it for a long time. Have always been careful not to overuse resources.

But our world is not like this. Most of the time ( not always ) the aim is not to give a service or provide a valuable product. The aim is simply to generate turnover and make money. Products have a very short life span and resources are being used like they are limitless. As a result our environment is poisoned and our health and quality of life are getting poorer and poorer.

This is so brainless. It make me sad and it makes me angry.


My Story

I was born in a small town near Hannover. My parents moved many times and eventually stayed in a place near to Siegen. This is what I see as my homeland the most. Of cause every time they moved I lost all my friends. My father also taught me to think before I talk. So I became a person that stayed for himself most of the time. I love nature, I love exploring new things, I am a good listener and am having great passion for Sherlock Holmes …

I went to University, became a physicist and a Dr of Nature Sciences. Went to a small contracting company from there and became a group leader very soon. Had a good relationship with the group members and our customers and the projects went very well. Nonetheless my values where very different to the ones of the company owner – which ruined my nerves and so – after a year of self experience – I out the blue decided to quit.

This opened a new world to. I was a contractor now myself. At the same time was introduced to “free energy” and “levitated water”. Worked with a company that did solar systems, build a distribution network for powerful magnetic products and became the main person for 3 countries, did energy healing and many things more.

This was a big leap forward. Nonetheless – I was self employed and called myself “independent”. But I was not the decision maker – and still did not like many of the decisions being made.

Eventually I was burned out, my hands trembled like Parkinsons and already before I got skin cancer. I am having lots of knowledge regards alternative medicine – but was able to cure it at that time. So decided to have it removed. At that time I stepped back to find myself again. I found a solution that helped my skin and hands and energy. Basically its just optimal nutrition – and it puts the body in the position to help and balance itself. Everybody should know this – therefor I am now building a new distribution network.

Nonetheless I am feeling there is something else I want to do – to be free to make my own decisions and to give something to the world. That’s why I am starting this Blog.

Thank you for reading this